Glorious gardens

Posted by January 25, 2011

Ok so this is the big project I had on before Christmas.  My client has a beautiful garden by the South Downs in Sussex which he opens to the public in the summer.  He gives his visitors a print-out of information about the garden but wanted to accompany this with a aerial plan.  So my brief was to design such a picture – something simple and clear, with a key.  The below is the result, drawn in ink and cleaned up in Photoshop. The map was to be printed out on a side of A4 paper, so I drew the original slightly bigger at approximately 23cm x 32cm; this way you can get more detail in with crisper lines.  Click on the image to enlarge.

Ringmer B&W Garden Plan

The second half of the commission was the same plan but in colour and with little illustrations around it of the highlights of the garden.  This version was to be framed for inside the house.  I used ink and watercolour for this, on lovely 100% cotton Fabriano paper, so it will stand the test of time.  The dimensions are approximately 35cm x 53cm.  A frame is the final element for a picture like this, to group the images together in their composition.  Click on the image to enlarge.  I should add that there are some lovely blue skies in the little illustrations which the scan hasn’t picked up very well.

Ringmer colour plan 2012_
